Police Brutality Attorney / Lawyer in Portland, Oregon
What is police brutality?
Police brutality (cop brutality) generally refers to excessive use of force by the police, which may include deadly force. Some have referred to police brutality as “alley court,” which is the beating of a person in custody who is handcuffed and unable to defend her/himself and usually taking place somewhere between the scene of the arrest and the police station, such as in an alley and beaten up by a cop or cops.
How widespread is police brutality?
Widespread police brutality exists in many countries, even countries like the United States where criminal and civil remedies exist. Police brutality is just one form of police misconduct. According to People’s Police Report, January 2006, the top 25 lawsuits between 1993 and 2005 settled for $3,581,007.30.
This website keeps track of some Portland Police Misconduct cases:
Portland Copwatch
This website keeps track of police brutality statistics in America:
Injustice Anywhere
Does Oregon have a cause of action called police brutality? Oregon does not have a legal cause of action called “police brutality” per se. Usually there is a legal cause of action for Excessive use of force under Oregon law and Federal law.
See: Excessive Use of Force by Clicking Here